Geeta saar in hindi text
Geeta saar in hindi text

geeta saar in hindi text

Lord Krishna says, "The 'material' that is within is precisely what I am that verily is Krishna.

geeta saar in hindi text

Similarly, you should do the darshan of that material (the Self, the Lord) within the packing (body).

geeta saar in hindi text

The packing can be in any form it can even be rotten but a businessman is not really concerned with the outer packing, he is only concerned with the material within. Some are in the form of a tree, some in the form of a donkey, some in the form of a man or a woman, etc., but the material, the content within each is the same. What you see with your physical eyes is the packing and the material ( Soul or Atma) is within. What did Lord Krishna mean? When a person dies, what is it that leaves when people say, "He left the body?" That, which leaves, is the 'real thing' and whatever is left behind is the 'packing'. Today, 'we' have come as Krishna so whatever work you need to get done, get it done. Out of one thousand such people, only one can understand the subtler ( sookshmatar) meaning, out of those who understand the subtler meaning, only one can understand exactly the essence ( sookshmatam) of what I am saying." (One in a trillion) Now out of three and a half billion people, who would qualify to understand what Lord Krishna was saying? Only the one, who has become Krishna himself, can say what Lord Krishna was trying to say in the two words. Out of thousand such people, only one can understand the subtle ( sookshma) meaning of what I am saying. Lord Krishna, Himself says, "Only one out of a thousand people will understand the gross or overt ( sthool) meaning of what I am saying in the Gita. People cannot understand those two words and that is why he had to create the whole Gita and just to understand the Gita, people have written commentaries. Lord Krishna is trying to say only two words in the Gita. Lord Krishna had attained a divine inner vision ( divyachakshu) from Lord Neminath and only thereafter did He give instruction in the Gita. Do not have this ego of, 'I am killing all these people.' In order to kill, carry out your actions without attachment. Therefore, do not have this false attachment ( moha).

geeta saar in hindi text

This I can see in my Gnan that your vyavasthit is thus. He told Arjuna, "You are a Kshatriya and your parmanus ( prakruti's constitution) are such that they will not refrain from fighting. Lord Krishna knew that his attachment was temporary and that is why Lord Krishna spoke to him as a nimit (not the owner of the words). Seeing all his relatives around him, Arjuna was overcome with attachment and affection. Do not become the doer or the non-doer of karma." Lord Krishna knew ' vyavasthit' and so whatever He uttered was within the laws of vyavasthit, but people do not understand this and so they question why the Lord being a Gnani would say, "Kill them all." This instruction was applicable for that moment, but it was not an instruction for the duration of his entire life. To remove this delusion, Lord Krishna cautioned Arjuna and said, "Remove your illusion. In spite of having the duty ( dharma) of a Kshatriya (those meant to perform the role of a warrior), he was overcome with attachment ( moha) for his brothers and teachers who were posing as his enemies. Arjuna was overcome with worldly attachment. Questioner: Why did Lord Krishna tell Arjuna to fight the battle of Mahabharata?ĭadashri:At that moment Lord Krishna was the nimit for these words. Mystery of Bhagavad Gita in just two words!

Geeta saar in hindi text